USP 645 – easy and accurate conductivity calibration with an insacal master meter
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With an INSACAL master meter you get a very flexible calibration tool. You can calibrate by closed loop procedures or in an open beaker. This allows you to choose whether your cell is calibrated on-site, in-situ or not. If customers use a “Master Meter” these need to be calibrated.
INSACAL master meters are always delivered with a closed sensor to avoid influence from the surroundings. The transmitter settings can be protected with password to avoid unintended changes in settings e.t. cell constant.
standard accuracy
Transmitter: Ut
Ambient temperature Uta
Cell constant determination Ucc0.5% Distribution: square
0.05% per C Distribution: square
0.4% when determined with
a standard solution.
1% Interval 1.3 to 99.9 S/cm
when determined by comparison
0.5% Interval 0.1 to 239ms/cm
when determined by comparison
Confidence interval: 2.
In short: )last significant digit +10%).
Confidence interval: 2
Total: ( etc etc etc……………….)
Master displays 100,0uS/cm
Ambient temperature = 30C
Cell constant determined by a 100uS/cm standard solution (Ucc = 0.36%)
Coverage factor = 2 (level of confidence of approximately 95%)
Total uncertainty = 0.75%

enhanced accuracy
The indicator/transmitter is calibrated using a high precision resistor prior to the loop-calibration. e.g. Master displays 100,0uS/cm Ambient temperature = 30C Cell constant determined by a 100uS/cm standard solution (Ucc = 0.36%) Coverage factor = 2 (level of confidence at approximately 9%%) Standard resistor acc = 0.05%. Distribution: square Calibration of standard resistor: 100ppm Confidence interval: 2. Temperature influence of standard resistor 15ppm Distribution: square Total uncertainty = 0.37%